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In a market where SaaS startups are popping up left and right, having an edge can make all the difference.

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✅ Solve the unsolved.

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52,520+ Launches

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200,000+ Showcases

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100,000+ Products

A live and constantly-fed base of over 350,000 SaaS-oriented products.

Live and Fast pipeline

How this usually works:

Research Time

1-6 hours / Idea

Money Spent

$80 - $200 / Report

How we do it on average:

Research Time

35 seconds - 1.5 minutes / Idea

Money Spent

$1.13 / Report

Crunching the numbers...

124x cheaper.
210x faster.

See for yourself:

The waiting time was skipped for the sake of your time


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$1.70 USD

Per Report

Perfect for just testing the service or needing a quick idea validation.

  • $17
  • 10 Reports
  • 7 / 7 Customer Support
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Founder Most popular

$1.10 USD

Per Report

Perfect for solo devs brainstorming new ideas.

  • $22
  • 20 Reports
  • 7 / 7 Customer Support
  • Access to future features
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$0.60 USD

Per Report

Excellent for a large amount of market research.

  • $30
  • 50 Reports
  • 7 / 7 Customer Support
  • Access to future features
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